Why is it that when you decide to do something slightly off from your normal routine, it comes back to bite you in your more prominently displayed than usual rear end almost instantaneously?
Today, I decided to go ahead and get dressed in my workout clothes before heading to the gym. That way, I reasoned with myself, I wouldn’t have any reason to back out of going. Sounded like a good plan in my mind. Of course, I use public transportation here in Germany, so I needed to ride four stops before exiting the tram literally at my gym’s door. Not taking the time to switch clothes or look for the perfect outfit, I just rummaged through my pre-packed workout bag and threw on the outfit I found inside.
Of course, it included a sports top and long-legged, very fitted running pants. Pretty much yoga pants with lycra. I thought that with a short loose shirt on top, it would be presentable enough to sit in a seat for 10 minutes. While I am quite happy with my body and aim to maintain, shape and tone it, I am not the kind of person who goes around in public wearing skin-tight clothes. So, of course I was feeling a tad bit self-conscious.
The first three stops to my destination were uneventful. As I stood up to approach the door shortly before the last stop, an older woman asked an older man to help her down the steps leading from the high tram to the ground while holding a push-cart. She said that she had fallen yesterday and she was scared to try it alone again. He looked at her with a slightly incredulous expression and replied that he wasn’t capable of doing so. (He really wasn’t; they both appeared to be over 80.) Naturally, there was else no one around, so I didn’t hesitate to help.
Imagine my delight when she asks me to leave the tram BACKWARDS so that I can bend down and hold her cart steady while she toddles down the steps excruciatingly slowly. So, yeah, I gave the downtown area of my city a lycra-clad booty salute helping the elderly today. Gotta love those random moments of gratuitous embarrassment.
And moments like that, my friends, are exactly why I go to the gym.
Happy Hump Day and have a great week.
xoxo CountryEuroCityMouse
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