Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Old-Fashioned Mail

It's been a while, but I decided to take the time to write to one of my oldest friends. By writing, I do not mean posting on her Facebook wall or sending her an email. I actually mean to write a letter to her using old-fashioned pen and paper, and I will seal it in an envelope, mail it with a stamp and then wait ages for a response of the same kind.

It's a dying art, and in so many ways, unfortunately, I can see why. What exactly am I supposed to say in a letter that can't be shared via social media? Over the past few years, we've all been conditioned to say things that we find to be important, meaningful and poignant in 140 characters or less. The act of writing a letter is beginning to feel awkward to me, and I'm sad to say that of the few friends I have who make a concerted effort to write a letter now and then, our letters tend to get shorter and shorter as it seems that we have less and less to say.

Maybe it's a matter of impatience - when we have some really great news to share, we will hop online and blast it ASAP. We communicate quite regularly and even phone on occassion. But what happens to the days when you look in your mailbox and notice a lovely handwritten envelope among the not so appealing mail?

It's a trend that, in my opinion, is becoming more of a catostrophic practice. People have even stopped sending Christmas cards or Holiday Greetings of any kind! I understand that it's time-consuming or possibly expensive (if you don't make your own - which I don't), but the whole purpose of sending a greeting card is to show someone that you actually do care or appreciate them exactly because you take the time to send them something tangible. E-Greeting cards are convenient and "get the job done", but at what expense? You either send out a mass-email ("You're so special to me - all of you") or you copy and paste, replacing the name but send the exact same message. All of the romance of communicating through words using individualized physicality - your handwriting - is almost completely gone.

This season only comes around once a year, and for those of you who have friends and loved ones who are far away from home (either by choice or circumstances beyond their control), when thinking about sending your Holiday Greetings, it's especially nice to put that adage "'Tis better to give than to receive" to good use. I know I feel that way about advice. ;-)

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